Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I've been MIA

I had made a goal to update my blog more regularly. I want to be able to use this blog to create a personal history sometime in the future, but that won't ever happen if I don't keep this updated!

I've been MIA as of late because I'm super psyched about my new project! I'm making a family history storybook. It's a collaborative work. I've asked a few of my relatives to submit 5 or more stories to me, and then I'm going to put them in a professionally published book. I'm using They are great! In the past I've used the book publishing option that came with my iPhoto application, and like all other Mac products, the book publishing service is SO EXPENSIVE! Some Mac stuff I'm willing to pay the extra for, but not book publishing if I can get the same thing for a better price! And blurb has more customizing options than the iPhoto.

Anyways, I'm really, really excited for this project. I stayed up until 2am last night getting my blog "just right" so everyone would be able to use it properly. It's tricky setting things up and typing up explanations for things so that other people understand. I did a bit of that while I was teaching English in Korea, but that was all REALLY simple stuff because they didn't speak English. So I'm hoping that everything will turn out the way I want it to.

Now for the stuff that we're doing in our day to day lives... not that much. I'm still helping my parents out on weekdays. Somedays are tougher than others. It's not easy being a caregiver, but it's totally worth it. My mom is the greatest! She's such an inspiration to everyone around her. There's a lot I can learn from her. Derek is looking to get a part time job to suppliment the two other ventures he's working on now. It's kind of tough because not too many people/businesses are hiring. But something will work out! It has to!


  1. It is always great to have projects to accomplish! Yeah!

    Good luck finding work in this time.

  2. Wow thats awesome! I love blurb Im hoping to turn my blog into a coffee table book!

  3. It's so much fun to be working on a family history project! I always thought that family history was boring, but this has really got me hooked! There are so many stories about my relatives that I just didn't know!

  4. What does MIA stand for? I love your Family History site - I totally want to do the same thing! What kind of part-time work is Derek looking for right now?
