4 Random Things I love about my husband:
1. He is a handy, handy man to have around
2. He speaks English, Japanese, Korean, a little German and a little Chinese
3. His teeth
4. When he breaks out in a real smile in the middle of a crazy one
4 Jobs I've had:
1. Hostess at Outback Steakhouse
2. LDS Bookstore worker
3. Temp for TRC Staffing
4. English Teacher in Korea (one of the best things we ever did!!!)
4 Movies I have watched more than ten times:
1. Uncle Buck
2. Pride and Prejudice. Yes, the 6 hour one...
3. Princess Diaries
4. Apparently I watched Dumbo 10 times a day when I was 2
4 TV Shows I watch:
1. The Office
2. Monk
3. Psych
4. The Closer
4 Places I have Been:
1. Palmyra, NY
2. Gyoungbok-gung, Seoul, Korea
3. Craters of the Moon National Park
4. Fukuoka, Japan
4 People who e-mail me regularly:
1. My Mom
2. My grandma
3. Google Calendar Reminders
4. Mailer Daemon
4 of my favorite Foods:
1. Korean Food!!!
2. Bisquick Melt-in-your-mouth Pancakes
3. Pizza (I know it's so cliche)
4. Chocolate
4 Places I would like to visit:
1. China
2. Europe
3. Russia, the Trans-Siberian Railroad to be exact
4. KOREA!!! I know I've already been there... I heart Korea!

4 Things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Halloween!
2. Getting Derek's handyman business set up
3. Maybe, possibly, someday buying a house
4. Christmas
4 People I tag:
Anybody really, but if you choose to be tagged, please leave a comment so I can read yours!
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