Monday, November 24, 2008

I went on vacation and....

got all out of whack on blogging.  Sorry guys.  Today is supposed to be Book of Mormon Monday.  I've been thinking all day and haven't gotten any great ideas to post.  So the Book of Mormon is great.  Everybody read it.  And if any of you have any thoughts or insights from what you've been reading lately, please leave it here.  If anything, it will help me!  I'm always wanting to hear what others think as they're reading.

In other news... I've got all the stories that have been posted so far imported into a book!!!  I thought it would take ages, but it only took a few hours.  Well, ok, maybe like 6 hours over a 2 day span.  Now I'm just waiting for the last minute posts and then I'll put pictures in it.  And then I'll put it in the bookstore!  Hooray!!!

Also, I've been a busy photo organizing girl.  I got all my cruise photos into an inkubook. Now I'll I need is for my husband to proof read the text I entered.  GO ME!!!  And I've finished up through 1999 of my parent's family photos!  Whew! *wiping sweat off my brow* Only eight more years to go, and the year 2000's the year we sort of slowed taking 35mm photos!  Hooray!  Maybe I'll be finished early next week!

And now, to embarrass my little brother, here's a great little brother photo...

Isn't he cute?


  1. So I heard a nasty rumor that Blurb wasn't slurping blogger blogs anymore...are you saying that it isn't true?

  2. I researched it and it looks like Blogger changed its API (whatever that is) and blurb doesn't support the change. I'm not sure who's responsible to make slurping possible, but I would think that blurb would be. The word on the net is that it won't be fixed by Christmas. :(

  3. My computer is so painfully slow that I stopped working on my book. So, maybe I'll just finish what's slurped and wait for a new computer and a fix from Blurb for the rest. I have 4 years, it would be a pretty gigantic book anyway.
