Sunday, December 28, 2008

Carcassone, or the best game ever!

Daryl and Kim, my brother-in-law and his wife, gave us an awesome present this year--the board game Carcassone and an expansion pack!

Probably most of you (or everyone else on the planet but me) has played this game, or at least know about it. I didn't. I vaguely remember hearing the word before, but didn't know anything about the game play.

In short, I LOVE IT! Thanks Daryl and Kim! It's a winner! I think we played it 3 times Christmas night, and then at least twice or three times since then. And I already ordered another expansion pack. I thought about giving it to Derek for his birthday, but then I realized I was buying it more because I wanted it rather than he would and got him something else...

So here's a few pictures of us playing Carcassone...

Derek figuring out the rules of the game.
Derek wondering if we'd be able to remember all 
the scoring details (there really are a lot)!
 Us with Willow after our first couple of games. 
(Willow was clawing my stomach trying to get 
away, I'm surprised I'm still smiling!)
Playing teams with my parents.

Thanks again Daryl and Kim!  You guys are great!

PS:  We also loved the cruise picture calendar; Willow ornament, great likeness; and mini-kitty statue!


  1. I will have you know I have never heard of this game either! I will have to look into it :D

  2. As I suspected, I must be from another planet, because I also have never heard of it. :) It sounds fun and exciting, we'll check it out too!

  3. Oh my heck! Thanks for this post! I love board games and I have been DYING to find a good one.

    BTW...I am from Idaho too!

  4. It is a pretty cool game. I ordered another expansion pack just a couple days after Christmas. I just came today! I'm so excited!
