Monday, March 2, 2009

Book of Mormon Mondays - Humility

Alma 52:17 reads as follows...

17 And it came to pass that Teancum made preparations to make an attack upon the city of Mulek, and march forth with his army against the Lamanites; but he saw that it was impossible that he could overpower them while they were in their fortifications; therefore he abandoned his designs and returned again to the city Bountiful, to wait for the coming of Moroni, that he might receive strength to his army. 

How much humility did it take for Teancum to realize that there was no way he and his army could mount a sucessful attack on the Lamanites and then stop, return home and wait for someone else to come help him?   There are plenty of generals in history who haven't been so wise and have foolishly put their armies in harms way because they wanted the glory of the win. 

And how can I apply this in my life?  Well, I know there are plenty of times when I don't want to admit that I can't do something on my own so I don't seek help.  And then I look stupid...

Maybe I should learn a lesson from Teancum!


  1. What an insightful way to apply this scripture to everyday life. I could certainly work more on this myself.

  2. I need to follow that example! Thanks for the great way to look at that scripture.

  3. Very true! So often I think pride gets in the way of our seeking help. I know I sure could use a dose of humility most days!
