And usually riding the subway wasn't uncomfortable. Most of the time we didn't happen to ride during "rush hour" (I did that once with two HUGE bags, not fun!), and we often took the routes less traveled so we usually weren't smushed in and usually had plenty of room.
But one time I happened to sit in between Derek and a middle-aged businessman. Not a huge problem, but he was very sleepy. After a few minutes, his head started bobbing. And then, all of a sudden, he flopped over onto my shoulder! I had no idea what to do! I couldn't push him off because of the angle, and Derek couldn't push him off because he was too far away.
I tried to shrug him off with my shoulders, but he was out! It seemed like nothing short of a good, hard shake or a glass of water was going to wake him up! Eventually Derek and I got him off my shoulder. But only after a few seconds, he was back on my shoulder.
By that time, people around me were noticing, pointing and laughing. Especially the two young women across the way. They thought it was the funniest thing! And it was. I just didn't see it as funny at the time. I wanted that man to go far away!!!
Seeing my increasing discomfort, Derek again tried to get him off with renewed efforts. He reached around me and poked, pushed and shook the guy. He even tried blowing in his ear! And of course, all our efforts were making the young women laugh even harder.
Finally, just before our stop, we got him off me. I don't remember what it was that worked. I just remember being so relieved that I no longer had a sleeping Korean businessman on my shoulder!
:-) Sometime you just need a shoulder to sleep on!!! Pretty funny story!! I can just imagine your faces at the time in my mind! Glad you lived to tell about it!:-)