The list the Ortons made was great, but was a little hard for just the two of us to do, so we modified a few of the things. Here are three of the pictures
A model pose on a pedestrian bridge.
The Toyota jump high-five near a town landmark. There weren't enough of us to do the jump and take a picture, so Derek high-fived a big clock tower thing.
Puddle jumping. I think this is the best of all the pictures we took. I love how itty-bitty the puddle is and how seriously Derek's jumping into it!
Derek was so great to humor me by being the subject in all the photos. I was probably a little too bossy and/or demanding about each shot, but he was really good about it! Thanks Derek! You're the greatest! I heart you so much! :D
that sounds like a way fun birthday reminds me of college and all the silly, yet hilarious things we did for fun. the puddle picture is hilarious.