Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Way Back When Wednesday - Ok, so it wasn't that long ago...

I've decided that it feels a little strange to know when you're going to have your baby.  To not eat anything after midnight the night before your c-section.  To walk into the emergency room check-in and tell them you're there for your scheduled c-section.  But it's not a bad feeling.  And I've decided that next time I'd like to do the same thing.

I was full of anticipation the evening of Monday, September 21st.  We had taken my mom over to Nampa Care for a respite stay that afternoon, and I ate a big dinner and ate a bunch of snacks--right up until midnight, my deadline.  I didn't want to be totally starving in the morning.

The next morning, Derek and I got up early so that we could be at the hospital by 8:30am, my appointment was at 9:00.   They checked me in and sent me upstairs to the labor and delivery area.  One of the nurses took me to a delivery room, handed me a couple gowns and asked me to change.

After I got changed, they hooked me up to an IV and to the monitors that track contractions and the baby's heartbeat.  When my doctor came to check on me, she said that I was having some nice--as she put it--contractions.  But I couldn't feel them.  And I couldn't figure out what she meant by "nice contractions."  Maybe they were regular?  Or maybe they were the normal braxton-hicks?  It didn't really matter what they were because I was going in for a c-section anyways.  I was really nervous.  I think I peed at least five times in the two hours we were waiting in the room.

While we waited for my c-section (we were eventually told that it would happen around 11:00 or 11:30), a four doctors came in to talk to me: my doctor, my surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and a med student.  The med student was weird.  I wasn't completely comfortable with him.  He seemed a little young, and made too many dorky jokes.  The anesthesiologist was a little strange too, but he was funny.  He said that he was called Mr. Glamor Shots because he likes to take pictures of the babies in the OR.  A little weird, but nice because neither Derek or I were available to take pictures of Cadence at that point.

Finally, they took me down to the OR.  I rode on the bed (such a weird experience!) and Derek came a bit later after changing into scrubs.  Next was the spinal block.  This was one of the things I was most nervous about.  They have to put a needle into your spine and inject body paralyzing medication!  They had a little trouble at first.  Most of it was my fault.  I kept twitching when they pricked me which evidently, I wasn't supposed to do!  You try not twitching when someone sticks you in the spine!

When we finally got it in right, I started feeling my feet go numb, a signal that they should get me laid down.  Another odd experience, people helping you lay down and get situated.  They actually told me not to try to lay down!  I guess it was for my own safety, my bottom half was slowly becoming paralyzed.  Falling off the table wouldn't have been good...

The anesthesiologist had warned me before about the spinal block making some people feel nauseated, but they had some meds to keep that from happening.  And that very thing happened.  I started freaking out a little because I hate feeling nauseated.  I kept telling the nurse that she'd better hurry up and give me the medicine or I would throw up in the oxygen mask!  Then I started feeling a lot of pressure on my chest.  The nurse told me that was a normal side effect of the spinal block.

Both of those really horrible feelings wore off and I started actually feeling sort of comfortable.  A lot of people said they felt cold, but I felt the opposite.  I was nice and toasty!  It was almost like being in a nice, warm bath.  I also felt a little sleepy.  The anesthesiologist told me that was a possibility because with a spinal block, half of my body wouldn't be taking in any sensory information, and that it can be quite relaxing. 

The actual surgery was surreal!  Like everybody said, I couldn't feel anything, but there was a lot of pressure.  And she was really packed in there!  I was told it took three doctors and a pair of forceps to get her out!  Derek later said that while everybody was pushing on my stomach the table was moving around like crazy, but I didn't even notice.  Derek was really great, he held my hand and rubbed my head the whole time!

They got her out after quite a bit of pushing and pulling.  I could hear her cry, but couldn't see anything because the blue screen was still up.  After they got her wiped up and prepped, they briefly showed her to me, handed her to Derek and then pushed him in the direction of the nursery.

To be continued next week...

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about sitting still for the epidural - more than once I had it put in during major contractions. Not easy to be still through!
    Thanks for sharing your story - we've been wanting to hear more details. Can't wait til next week!
