But then after a few minutes, I thought, I should be a good kitten mommy and check to make sure my kitten was safe. So half asleep, I opened the door, and there was Derek with that caught red handed look (so it was Derek getting in the box!). He was making a trail of Reeses going from our bedroom door and down the stairs! So Cute, right?
I gave him a big hug and he told me I had better hurry and follow the chocolates because Willow kept batting them around and messing up the trail. The trail led to the kitchen where he had set up some special Halloween decorations; a haunted house lantern, a ghost lamp, and a scary tree that holds candy! My man knows what I like!
And he wasn't done yet. I opened my card and inside was a note promising a $30 trip to a used bookstore :) and the first clue in a treasure hunt! He had set up an elaborate treasure hunt for me to find 3 DVDs, PS I Love You, the Princess Bride, and Blades of Glory. This is where the Television and Movies Monday comes in, but there's more to my birthday day, so we'll get back to it later!
Then he told me that he had asked my Dad if he could take me to three used bookstores in Nampa for a couple of hours during work! What a surprise! Then we went over to my parents' house and they had presents waiting for me there too. My parents are so great! They always get me good stuff. They gave me a gift card to Old Navy and some money to help us out on our cruise!!!!! A 16GB flash drive was also on its way; the UPS guy was a little late.
The used bookstores were great! I found some great old books. None of the stores had the book I was really looking for, well one did, but it was $8.00 and the cover was wrinkled and damaged! Derek took me to 4 stores!!! I have a major jones for comfortable old books! Derek is so good to me!
After helping my parents out and eating some amazing triffle, Derek and I went to Old Navy and then to the Olive Garden. My grandparents gave me a gift card! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa! I ate some yummy beef ribs and tortelloni marsala. YUMMY!!! What a great birthday!!!
It was HILARIOUS!!! You know the kind of comedy where the humor is almost painful it's so ridiculous? Derek and I were laughing out loud almost the whole time, and I when I wasn't laughing, I was smiling. I smiled so much that my face hurt. I usually don't have that much of a physical reaction to a movie. There was also an excellent friendship theme going on as well. The two main characters started as enemies, and then in the end really came through for each other, in a ridiculously ridiculous way. The only drawback to the movie was it had some pretty crude humor. It had Will Ferrell in it, what could I expect?
PS: Sorry for the lack of birthday pictures. They're still on my camera, and my camera's at home. Darn!
PPS: And I almost forgot to mention the Television part of the post! HGTV now has full-length episodes of many of their programs on their website. Derek is in heaven!
Happy belated birthday!
ReplyDeleteOkay so as your VT I should have totally been all over your birthday. Happy belated birthday! I have yet to see Blades of Glory. I may have to rent it or borrow it. :) I promise I give movies back. ;)