Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Finds - A Link Round-up

Do I Believe? TJ Hirst.  A great reminder.  I think we all need to believe a little bit more.

It's a Wrap, Skip to my Lou. I don't think I'll ever need wrapping paper again!

Like a Child, Japundit. All I can say is, AMEN!  I felt the same way in Korea!

THAT...Doesn't Look Like Dirt, Cake Wrecks. I really, really, LOVE this website.  Anything with bloopers is my friend.

What I'd Like For You to Know: Adoption, Rocks in My Dryer.  Excellent!  I'm so glad that more and more people are talking about adopting and being adopted!  I'm adopted. The only time I feel weird about it is when other people act weird about it, and even then, the weirdness is about them.  Does that make sense?

Tutorials, The Princess and the Monkey.  So many tutorials, so little time!

US Senator wants Wall Street Executives to Deliver Japanese-style Apologies, Japan Probe.  This just makes me laugh!  I would LOVE to see this, but I don't think it will EVER happen!

Endless PeriPeri , Japan Probe.  I think I should be Japanese.  I love popping soybeans and bubble wrap AND opening those cardboard boxes!  Make sure you watch the "music video ."  But be sure to read the background first.  It will seem just bizarre if you don't.

1 comment:

  1. Nice of you to like my post and link. But you opened the door to a whole other world I didn't know existed. Tutorials! I could do so much.
