So on to the musings!
Everyone seems to be posting about Easter today, and I have a most excellent picture to share...
Derek's Easter present was an Amazing Spiderman Easter Basket! Notice the Spiderman head eggs? It took my sister-in-law and I forever to find all the blue stuff. But he LOVED it! My Easter present was giving him the basket. I'm a gift giver. It's my love language. I'm really happy to just give Derek a gift. Unless it's Easter. Sorry Derek, the gift giving only thing doesn't work on that holiday! :D
Here's the first paragraph of the first chapter. It's amazing and really got me hooked on the book.
"A person studying the Atonement is somewhat like the man who retreats to his mountain cabin to enjoy the scenery. If he looks out the window to the east, he will see the snow-capped peakes of the Rockies; but if he fails to examine the view on the west, he will miss the crimson-streaked sunset on the horizon; if he neglects the scene to the north, he will never see the shimmering emerald lake; and if he bypasses the window on the south, he will fail to witness the wild flowers in all their brilliant glory, dancing in the gentle mountain breeze. Beauty besets him in every direction. So it is with the Atonement. Regardless of our vantage point, it is glorious to behold. Every princible underlying it, every consequence flowing from it rewards our intellect, animates our emotions, and enlivens our spirit. It is a doctrine for all seasons." (pp. 1)
Isn't that beautiful?! The whole book is like that, beautifully written yet simple to understand.
Anyways, they're giving SIX away and there are multiple ways of entering! Check it out! The fun ends this Friday so hurry!
Great picture. Makes me laugh. I too saw that giveaway. I just may end up buying the thing. I really need to use my food storage more.