Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Finds: A Link Round-up

So Hot They're Smokin', Noble Pig.  I love potatoes!  Especially red ones.  I'm making this ASAP!

Easter Potpourri, Cake Wrecks.  In honor of the Easter holiday this weekend, here is a whole post of Easter "cakes." Or maybe I should have put the quotation marks around the word Easter...

Thursday's Freebies, Scrapping with IkeaGoddess.  Have I already linked her yet?  This blog is great!  She has collected daily freebies.  DAILY FREEBIES!   How awesome is that!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed loud enough to wake Thomas up when I saw the last Cakewreck picture! (He's been asleep for a long time so it wasnt that loud, just funny.)
