Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Newsworthy Tuesday - Anteater Escapes

Okay, so this also isn't breaking news.  But it is funny news!  It makes me wonder what kinds of stuff makes the news in Japan when they make special reports on anteaters escaping from zoos.  Maybe other, more dangerous, stuff happens in Japan, but that's not new and different!

The video is in Japanese, but I find them entertaining to watch even though I don't understand.

"Tae, an anteater that became famous in 2005 for escaping from her cage at the Sunshine City Aquarium/Zoo, seems to have escaped again

When Tae escaped back in 2005, zookeepers reacted quickly and captured her in the penguin area of the Aquarium. Since then, measures to prevent Tae from opening the door to her cage were apparently taken, but she somehow managed to escape again. Staff have been searching all over the Aquarium, placing avocados as bait for traps and sticking cameras into inaccessible areas. As of the time of this posting, Tae had not been found." -Japan Probe

And then they found her yesterday!

"Tae the anteater was found wandering under the floorboards of the aquarium. As the above video clip shows, zookeepers placed some avocado and a cameras in four locations as a trap, and Tae took the bait. She has been safely returned to her cage." -Japan Probe

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