It was a total hit! Ratatouille is a hilarious movie that is safe to show just about anyone. Well, as long as they don't have an intense fear of or repulsion to rats...
After only seeing the trailer, I didn't think it would be much of a movie. I mean, a rat who wants to become a cook? Who wants to see a rat cooking in a restaurant kitchen?! But it's become one of my favorites! Actually, it's one of two movies that Derek and I laugh out loud at every time (Bruce Almighty is the other one).
My favorite part is when Chef Skinner is trying to get Alfredo Linguini--that is his real name, odd huh--to tell him where he's got his great cooking talent from. Chef Skinner suspects that a rat (Remy), has something to do with it, and it's driving him nuts! He tries to loosen Linguini up with some fine wine (I promise, it really is a very family friendly film!). Well, Linguini talks, but he doesn't give him any good info. But there is this gem of a conversation...
Linguini: Hey, why do they call it that?
Skinner: What?!
Linguini: Ratatouille. It's like a stew, right? Why do they call it that? If you're gonna name a food, you should give it a name that sounds delicious! Ratatouille doesn't sound delicious. It sounds like rat and pa-tootie. Rat pa-tootie!
It's another excellent Pixar movie that appeals to both children and adults. And for that matter, Americans and Koreans. We went to see Ratatouille in a theater in Seoul. We were two of the few Americans there and the ENTIRE audience was busting a gut! It was great! Have any of you seen it? I'm sure you have! What did you think?
We laughed especially hard during this part. "That's... strangely involuntary!"
Check out the Wikipedia article on Ratatouille. It's where I got the images
I enjoyed this movie too. Caleb isn't there yet, but he doesn't sit for many shows at all, but we have shown it to him on a large car trip, but he didn't watch, I did though.