Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Newsworthy Tuesday - McCain's Pick

McCain picked a running mate, Sarah Palin!  I don't know that much about her yet, but from what I have read she seems like a mighty good pick!

I am impressed with her morals.  She is a real example of a pro-life believer. During her last pregnancy, she found out that her baby would have down syndrome and she chose to have the baby.  This seems like a natural choice to me, but for the rest of the world, I think it's unusal.

It is also said that she fights corruption.  I haven't read a whole lot about this (and you'd better believe I will), but it sounds great!  That's what we need in the administration! 

How much farther outside of Washington can you get than Alaska!  I am sick and tired of these life-long D.C. politicians.  I don't think it's right that they make a career out of being an elected offical.  I get that being a national politician isn't for everyone, but it should change up more than it has.

I think the best part is Alaskians love her!  Every article I've read so far has multiple quotes of adoration.  I haven't heard any negative ones!  She's got to be great!

I'm proud of McCain for taking the risk of choosing a relative unknown, with a bit of a lack of experience.  Fame and experience don't always make great politicians.

Check out the article the Christian Science Monitor published about Sarah Palin.  I think you'll be impressed too!


  1. What do you think about her teen daughter being pregnant?

  2. I'm not really sure what I think of it yet. It will depend on how they handle things in the future. It's not the end of the world, and it's not Sarah that's acting out. So, I don't know....
