Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Newsworthy Tuesday - We have a new President

The Official Text of President Barak Obama's Inagural Address, The Christian Science Monitor.

I'm not really sure what to write.  I didn't vote for Obama.  He's a bit too liberal for me.  I agreed with his zeal for change.  Things need to change, but I didn't agree with his methods and solutions.

But now he is our President.  So I probably should quit referring to him as "Obama."  I should probably say "President Obama."  He won a tough battle and now has the toughest job I can think of.  I don't evny him one bit.  He needs our prayers.

And I'm hoping that as I respect the office he holds, he'll prove himself to be an excellent president and I will come to respect him as the president.

How are you feeling about our new President?


  1. about the same as you. I'm a little upset today actually, because of all the anti-Bush stuff that's going on around the inauguration.

  2. I too did not vote for him but I guess I did my part in voicing my opinion by voting in general. What is done is done and it is now time to move on with what has been decided. I definately don't envy his position. He is taking on a lot of challenges. It will be interesting to see what plays out in the next 4 years. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being a two term president.

  3. I feel similiar to both the other comments. I did not vote for him either.I do however think it is really neat that our country has gotten to the point that they can see past the color of someones skin and vote for a person based on their character. But I really liked Bush, I think he is a good man and I wish people still gave him the respect he deserves, he was dealt a rough hand.

  4. I voted for him. But even when we examine all the issues in detail, we can never know if we're voting for the right person because we don't know if that person is being sincere or not.

    But watching the President's speech today, I was struck by two impressions. First, if he is able to do what he says, he could be the greatest hope this country has had for a long time. But if he falls, whether through corruption or inability, it will take us a very long time to recover.

    I believe I made the right choice in voting for Obama. Having the chance to hope like this again was worth it. And, should he prove unworthy, I think we still have enough fight in us to fix things. :)

  5. your post pretty much summed up how i feel, so amen!

  6. I'm just worried that people are so hopeful and trusting that Pres. Obamam will be a "savior" that they won't care what he does. I'm worried about the changes he plans to make but willing to trust that our government will hold strong. I'm also very interested to see what good he accomplishes, because I think his heart is in the right place.

  7. I am feeling like you Rachel. Hoping for the best! Thanks for posting the speech text!
