Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Finds - A Link Round-up

Lies About Womanhood, The Fascinating Woman. This is a great quote by Sherri Dew on women. This has been on my mind quite a bit lately.

Enjoying the Life You Design, Blissfully Domestic. Have I mentioned that I LOVE Blissfully Domestic?  They always have a great variety of stuff everyday!  This post has a lot of great tips on how to maximize your enjoyment of life.

Most Romantic Songs, Scribbit.  I love lists of songs.  Those Time Life infomercials?  Um, yeah, I watch them from start to finish if I catch them.  I recognized a bunch of songs in Scribbit's list, and I'll be looking up the ones that aren't familiar to me on iTunes.

Saving Money Through Online Swapping, Blissfully Domestic.  I have heard of these types of sites, but have never actually seen them!

1 comment:

  1. Yes everything you do is magic! :)

    Actually I really like this one.
