Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Way Back When Wednesday - My super secret identity

I'm totally stealing this idea from my blogger friend, Lara, at Overstuffed.  Today she wrote about her super secret identity, lalakme, which is her internet moniker.  Her post inspired me to write about mine.  And since I've been using the same moniker for years now (I think I made it up when I was 12), it qualifies as a Way Back Wednesday story

My super secret identity is shmurkle.  Do not ask me where that name came from.  When I was about 12 years old, I was standing in the computer room with my dad, and he asked me what I'd like my shiny, new AIM username to be.  Somewhere out of the dark corners of my mind came the word shmurkle, and it's been with me ever since.  It sort of sounds like the word "smurf," but I've never been all that crazy about those little blue guys.  They're cute and all, but I'm not that into them... 

It's come in quite handy, being so unique.  Sometime in highschool, or maybe even middle school, I used shmurkle for a yahoo mail account.  The only problem I came across using shmurkle in my everyday, internet life is that it was a little confusing.  When someone would ask me my AIM name or e-mail, I'd answer, and they'd give me that "I don't know what the heck you just said" look.  And I'd have to spell it, and then explain where it came from.

So now days, I use my shmurkle e-mail address as my junk e-mail (You know, when some company asks you for your e-mail as you buy something from them?) and use a different, slightly less confusing e-mail for regular use.  And I use shmurkle for a username for those silly, worthless internet things that need a username.  Like IQ quizzes and the like...

What are your super secret identities?


  1. Untypically Jia is my "secret identity". More like my split personality to be honest. I'm either Jessica or Jia, depending on my mood. LOL!

  2. So you know what is funny, I didn't even know that your sister in law was who they chose for my assistant. But I am so glad! She will be great and I need her bad! So thanks for the little tidbit of info it made me so happy to find out! ;)
