Monday, February 9, 2009

Book of Mormon Mondays - We Must Be Watchful!

I don't know how many times I have read the war chapters in Alma.  Each time I have, I've always thought, why are these in here?  I'm not learning much from them beyond the obvious!

But then today, I had a thought.  As I was reading Alma 47, I was amazed at the cunning-ness (Is that a word?) of Amalickiah!  He was so careful not to appear suspicious.  I don't think anyone suspected his treachery to gain the Lamanite throne.  But in the end, he did.

It reminded me of how watchful we need to be to prevent and avoid the evils in our world.  They are so pervasive and seemingly unsuspicious!


  1. I think that's what the war chapters are all about. When I put the "bad guys" in the equation as Satan, there is so much insight into the way he works. Also, when we try to be like Captain Moroni, and do the things he did...we can know how we can keep Satan out.

  2. Excellent thought! I hadn't thought quite that far into it! I always heard that we should be like Captain Moroni, but I never really thought of why other than just the obvious that he's a great guy...


  3. Alma 47 is my all-time favorite chapter in scripture because I feel like I'm reading a movie script. So entertaining. Amalickiah is so evil- I "love" the part where his servants bow down to the king and then stab him in the heart and then blame it on the King's servants. And how Amalickiah tricks the King's wife into marrying HIM. Sneaky.

  4. I am glad you got your money back and everything is calm now. Thank you for always posting about the BOM, I love to read other people's insights.
