Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Newsworthy Tuesday - Sharkwatcher

What a cool job this guy has!  Patrick Davids' life used to be full of drugs, alcohol and crime, but now he's a hero!  He's a shark spotter in Capetown, South Africa.

It's a pretty cool story. He was able to turn his life around and start anew.

A refreshing article to read!

Meet South Africa's Top Shark Spotter, the Christian Science Monitor

Oh, and what do you think about thee Suleman Octuplts?   I agree with a quote I read somewhere.  I'm not sure if it's in the article I linked to, but the person basically said, if there are rules, guidelines, and regulations for adoptions, there should be some for IVF too.  I know the two situations are very different, but in many ways they are also the same.

Anyways, what are your thoughts?


  1. What a great story. As far as the octuplets, I am glad that these spirit bodies had the opportunity to come to earth to get a body, but I feel so sorry that they had to be born into a situation where they can't possibly recieve the needed love, attention, security, etc. that they need. I think it is irresponsible of the mother and the doctor who was willing to do the IVF. I hope that something works out for this family so they can make it.

  2. I am actually watching the Dateline special on it right now as I write. It is such a sad thing that these children were born into such a situation. She also just said that she did not get lip injections but Jeff and I sit here wondering if she is telling the truth. So sad because she can't possibly provide them with everything that they need. She mentions that money is just paper but unfortunately love alone can't get you through. Money is also necessary to provide the basics.
