Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Way Back When Wednesday - Shorts Phobia

When I was a kid, probably around the age of 6 or 7, I was afraid to wear shorts.  I would wear pants everyday even on warm days.  Except Sunday of course.

But anyways, I was afraid to wear shorts. Why you ask?  Well, that's what my dad finally asked me after weeks of me wearing pants.  My answer was I was worried about falling and getting my knees all bunged up.  According to me, nobody else ever had bunged up knees. 

My fear of shorts may have come from a field trip. My class walked over to a garden in a backyard somewhere.  I don't remember much about the trip other than all the bees (I hate bees), and slipping off the curb and skinning my knee.  I was embarrassed to tell the teacher, so I didn't get a band-aid.  A couple of people pointed my bleeding knee out to me.  Ha ha!  As if I didn't know. 

Later that day, I tried to sit next to my friend in music class.  She she took one look at bleeding, half scabbed-over knee, squirmed around squeeling, "Ew!  Look at your knee!"  She refused to sit next to me and ran away (To her credit, it was pretty disgusting.  Since I hadn't put a band-aid, my knee had gotten pretty nasty).  I walked over to my teacher and told him that my friend wouldn't sit next to me.  He asked me why and I said, "because of this," as I raised my injured knee.  He got me a band-aid and all was well.

Eventually, my dad convinced me that there are lots of people who fall and have skinned up knees.  I specifically remember him telling me that if we lined up a bunch of the students at my school and checked all their knees, a lot of them would have bunged up knees.  And I imagined a bunch of kids lined up with skinned knees. 

1 comment:

  1. My knees are covered in scars from getting bunged up as a kid.
