I was lucky enough to do something fun and spontaneous this weekend. I wouldn't say I'm not usually a spontaneous person, because I can be. But usually, my spontaneity involves going to Wal-mart at 11pm, or eating cookies for breakfast. This weekend was different. On Thursday afternoon, I decided that I would drive down to Provo on Friday afternoon to surprise Derek. And it was perfect. It was great to see Derek, and it was great to have a min-vacation. I wish I could do it again next weekend, but that would just be pathetic!
I'm trying to think of things to do in the evenings while Derek's gone. I can keep busy during the days, but at about 5:30 or 6:00, I run out of ideas. Most of the things I've thought of I decided against because I want to do them with him. Even the girly things. Not that I do a whole lot of those anyways. And he doesn't always do them with me, but he'll sit by me and do something manly.
So, any ideas? And Derek, I know you read my blog. You'd better start leaving comments!
Maybe you could sit around wondering how to spell "Decepticons" or how to write out Korean numbers. Oh wait, you already did that. Hmm... let's see here... how about just simply calling everyone you know everyday and bragging to them in a not so subtle way about how wonderful and amazing I am. That way, you'll be able to do something partly productive (not to mention generous) with all those great thoughts you keep having about me. The world needs to know, Rachel. Don't let them down.