Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday - Books

This list idea is probably not very original, but I love to read them on others' blogs.  I'm always looking for something new.

Top 10 Books for This Week
  1. Funny in Farsi, Firoozeh Dumas.  I love memoirs!  They're all the info of a biography with the ease of reading of a novel.  This one, and it's sequel (#2) are written by an Iranian woman who basically grew up in California.

  2. Laughing Without an Accent, Firoozeh Dumas.  I just started this one last night... at 2am.  Not a good idea!  It was so hard to stop reading, but I knew I had to!

  3. The Thirteenth Tale, Diane Setterfield.  Even though this book was WAY different from any other book I've ever read (it was like ghost story meets mystery), I enjoyed every minute of it.  It was also full of fun quotes on reading.

  4. In the Land of Invisible Women, Qanta A. Ahmed.  Another memoir that I LOVE!!!  This book is written by a American educated, Pakistani-British female doctor who goes to work in Saudi Arabia.  I loved it because she wrote honestly about life in Saudi Arabia as a "western" woman.  Very unbiased, and very positive!

  5. A Train to Potevka, Mike Ramsdell.  My in-laws gave me a copy of this book in March and I started reading it right away.  I got about halfway through, but then inconveniently left it at their house!  I have no idea how that happened because I have a very specific memory of putting it in the car.   Oh well, I can start again.  Thanks again Mom and Dad C for the book!

  6. The Sister, Poppy Adams.  I also started reading this book last night at 2am.  I was just beginning to get sucked in so I knew I needed to put it down so I could sleep.  I'm excited to read again today!

  7. The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster.  My 6th grade class read a play out loud in class that was based on this novel.  Why English teachers think we need to read plays aloud goes way over my head.  It's just boring!  But nevertheless I was really into the story so I went and found the book.  I think it's written for kids, but I still love it.  It speaks to the ESL teacher in me, and it's fun to read!

  8. Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky.  I've started this book twice... and haven't been able to get past the first few chapters.  It's not light reading, and that's what I'm into at the moment.  But I'll pick it up again.  I loved Tolstoy, so I'm hoping that someday I'll love Dostoyevsky!
  9. What to Expect When You're Expecting, Eisenberg, Murkoff, and Hathaway.  My friend Tanya lent me this book way back in February.  I hope it's still okay for me to have it! :D  It's been a great resource for me especially since I've had almost zero exposure to pregnancy.  I know nothing about it, but I'm learning more everyday! Thanks Tanya!

  10. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen.  This book is always on my list whether or not I'm actually reading it, which I'm currently not.  I love it because as I read it, I feel really smart and like I'm dipping into a guilty pleasure book at the same time!


  1. Fun! I LOVE book posts. Now I want to pick up some of those. I love memoirs, too.

  2. The Phantom Tollbooth is so much fun, I think I might go read it again.

  3. I have only read "What to Expect When You're Expecting." I especially loved it for the first 5 months. I would read it to DH every week to let him know what was going on.

  4. Oh gosh, I had to read Phantom Tollbooth in school. I couldn't tell you what it's about....but I do remember we spent FORever on that book, and all sorts of activities tied in with it.

  5. Great list...Once I am able to read when I'm not exhausted and minutes away from sleep, I may try a few of these!
