So here's how it went...
I woke up this morning hearing my dad in the kitchen. I wondered what time it was because lately I've been waking up just before my alarm goes off. So I looked at my alarm clock and it was blinking 2:11! Still thinking it might be around 8:30 or so, I looked at the wall clock we have hanging in our room. It said 9:30. Ahh! I'm supposed to be up, dressed, and available to help my mom at 9:00! So I jumped out of bed and headed towards the shower.
When I got to the bathroom, I noticed a HUGE puddle of cat urine. My cat's urine. My perfectly behaved cats urine! And the worst part was it was surrounding the littler box! Not in it, all the way around it! Why?! WHY?! But then I looked in the box, and it was in need of a change, so I kicked myself. By changing the box yesterday, I could have avoided the mess! So once I got the mess under control, I took my shower and got dressed and ready.
Then I went to get some gloves and a trash bag to do the real dirty work. It's not too bad cleaning the littler box. We use Feline Pine so the solid waste is flushable, but there is something rather disgusting about dumping out a bunch of moist sawdust. Especially when it flies in your face!
And I needed some assistance. With all the pee locked in the sawdust, the litter box becomes at least twice as heavy as when it's clean, so I needed my dad to dump the box while I held the bag. I walked over to his office (home office, it's literally just 10 steps away from everything in the house), and just as I was about to say, "Dad, would you help me for a minute..." I noticed a little pile of kitten puke on the floor, just inside the door. Darn! Well at least this little pile was easy to clean up this time.
He came and helped me (THANKS DAD!!!), and once I got the box rinsed out, dried and refilled, I knew I needed to clean up the floor a little better. So I put the rugs in the washing machine, got down on my hands and knees, and started cleaning the floor. Once I got all that done and the box back in it's place, I breathed a sigh of relief and thought that I could just get on with the morning!
But that was not to be because all over the counter and the last homemade cherry turnover, were a bunch of sugar ants! I quickly put the dish in the sink, and turned to get some paper towels. But the paper towels weren't open yet and I had a little trouble getting the first sheet or two off. I ended up tearing off a big chunk from one side. Then I started pounding. Then I noticed that they were under the rice cooker and mixer too. So I got out the spray and sprayed them to smithereens!
And then I still had the dish with the turnover and all the ants to deal with. So I took off the plastic wrap, wrapped it around the turnover, ran outside and threw it away in the big trash can. Then I drowned the ants in hot water, washed the dish, and then put it in the dishwasher!
Then I ate a mini-muffin. And I felt better! :D
I'm glad you feel better. That's not fun to wake up late (but maybe you really needed the extra sleep?) and be behind from the moment you get up. careful about changing the cat litter since you're pregnant. They recommend you make your husband do it because it can cause some complications.
I have been pretty careful with the litter. Derek's been doing it, but he's been out of town for the last few weeks, so it's either been my dad, my brother or me with a TON of hand washing afterwords! :)