But at my OB appointment last week (Wednesday), my doctor measured me at 45 weeks. That's right, 45 WEEKS! I don't feel that huge. And I thought most babies were done at 40 weeks and then came out! Plus, I was only 38 weeks along at the time. She suggested we get another ultrasound to see what was going on--just to make sure everything was okay. Then after that, we'd talk with the OB doctors who would be performing the surgery about a scheduled c-section.
The very next morning (Thursday) at 8:30am, I went in for my ultrasound. It didn't take very long and I was assured that Dr. Skinner would call me that day to tell me the results. Well, that was a bit of a fib, but I shouldn't have really expected a phone call that day. Dr. Skinner's a really busy doctor. Sometimes it takes up to a week to hear back from her. Frustrating, but understandable.
Early the next day (Friday), the OB office called and said, "We need to get you in for a consultation appointment in preparation for your c-section." I was a little shocked because I thought I'd hear from my doctor first, but I didn't argue. I asked the receptionist a few questions about what was going on, and she said Dr. Skinner had referred me to Dr. Colwell and that he had an opening that day at 1:30. I told them that would be fine. Better than fine actually. How often do you get a doctor's appointment same-day?
Just after that call, I called Dr. Skinner's office and asked to speak with Dr. Skinner, but everyone goes through her nurse first. So I left a message, hoping that someone would call me back before 1:30 so I didn't look stupid at Dr. Colwell's office. Within the hour, I got a call from Dr. Skinner herself! Amazing! She told me that she did look at the ultrasound results and determined that since my baby had the potential to be 10 pounds (holy heck!), a scheduled c-section would be best, and that she did call Dr. Colwell's office for the consultation appointment.
I felt that since this was kind of an important decision to make, Derek had to go with me. He's not big on attending my appointments because he's always nervous that he'll have to watch me be examined. But this appointment wasn't bad. Just talking mostly. Dr. Colwell and his colleague both looked at my records and determined that my baby was too big for me to be able to deliver. I'd need a little help. Also she hadn't descended yet, which she should have. I asked if that could be because she's too big to fit down in where she's supposed to and he thought that was probably the reason. Great, I thought, a big baby with a big head!
And it turned out, Dr. Colwell had already scheduled a date for me, Tuesday the 22nd. Not as early as I'd like, but he was limited by the 39 weeks rule (which is the Thursday of this week), and his schedule (Tuesday of next week was the first opening he had). But he also told me that if I go into labor between now and then, they'll just take me right in for a c-section.
So now my mind's a bit at ease. At least I know I won't have to go through hours of hard labor before the doctor takes me in for a c-section. But now I have major surgery to think about!! So all you mothers out there who've had c-sections, what's it like? Any advice?
I didn't have a c-section with Bria but I just wanted to wish you luck! Thinking about having a baby is a lot scarier than when you are actually doing it and just wanting your precious baby out! I am sure everything will go just fine. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and can't wait to see pictures!
ReplyDeleteWow Rachel!! A ten pounder!! I have not had a c-section, but between my sisters they have had 5. The recovery time is a little longer but the good news is, that after they had those sweet babies in their arms they said it was totally worth everything. Also c-section babies are the prettiest because they don't have to have any birth canal trauma and therefore no bruises or cone heads. I can't wait to see that chubby baby!! :)
ReplyDeleteI had a natural birth with Caleb and a C-section with Isabelle (she was transverse). I went into labor with Isabelle, so they did a c-section at 37 weeks (I was scheduled for one at 39 weeks). One thing I didn't realize is that there is a lot of prep work for a c-section! I thought I would go in there, hop up on the table and she'd be out in a few minutes. After determining I really was in labor they got an IV in my arm and took me back to the OR while Bob got suited up (he got to wear a full body suit, gloves a hat and a mask).
ReplyDeleteOnce in the OR they put the epidural in, which was pretty easy, I think it hurt less than the IV. The weirdest part is even after you're numb, you can still feel a little. I could feel pressure. It was strange because I could feel them moving me around, but not any pain or cutting.
I thought I was ready for it all and I would be calm and fine, but when I was laying there waiting for the surgery to start I started getting really nervous and shaking. I think its the combination of being on a cold, hard table and just having time by yourself to think about whats going on. So my biggest tip- close your eyes and concentrate on breathing! Just slowly in and out. I kept repeating a prayer in my head that we would be protected. If it helps, make small talk with the anesthesiologist. He stays in the room, but doesn't really do anything during the surgery so I didn't feel like I would be distracting him from something important.
After the baby is born they'll lift her over the screen so you can see her, then they take her away to get cleaned up, then Derek will get to hold her for a bit. Sewing you up actually takes longer than opening you up. Isabelle was born at 10:02pm and I don't think they wheeled me out of the OR until at least 10:50pm.
They'll wheel you and the baby to your room and thats where they weigh her, measure her and you get your first chance to feed and hold her. Something I learned from having Caleb is if you want to be successful at breastfeeding- study up on it first! I naively thought that I would just hold him up to my breast and he would know what to do and everything would just work out. The best position to nurse in at the beginning is the football hold (google it). And it might take some work. Definetly ask for a lactation consultant if they have one.
They'll give you tons of pain medication after the surgery. I had morphine that night and then the rest of the time I had vicodin. Don't wait until its really painful to take the meds, just take them as often as they let you! Also, try to get up and walk around the next day, it will make a huge difference.
The recovery was the hardest part for me. I had to sleep on my back for 2 weeks because it hurt to sleep on my side. I also couldn't get out of bed by myself. Basically anything you would use your stomach muscles for (which is a lot more than you think!) you won't be able to do for a few weeks. If you feel a cough or sneeze coming on, hold your stomach and it won't be so bad.
It slowly gets better though. I still have a 2 inch wide strip around my scar where I can't feel anything, its kind of weird. I've talked to other c-section moms and most of them have some sort of numbness, even years later.
whew! okay, so I didn't mean to, but I just wrote a book :) I hope all the info helps! Don't hesitate to e-mail me if you have any questions.
Schedulng it is WAY better! I had the labor for 20 hours then a C-section the first time and the second one was scheduled. It was nice to know when it was going to be and be prepared. I know there are a lot of people who say not to, but I like it a lot more!
ReplyDeleteI also measured very big my whole pregnancy with Chris. I actually was "induced" 3 days past his due date. Only a Priesthood blessing allowed me to deliver him - after hours of labor, we almost went in for a C-section. Then, during the birth, his shoulders got stuck because he was so big. I had to have a 4th degree episiotimy - ouch! He ended up being 9 lbs 12 oz. And it didn't help that at my very first OB appt after discovering I was pregnant, the doctor said "You have a small birth canal!" After Chris, though, all the other births were a breeze!
ReplyDeleteYou are talking to the c-section queen here! Ok, maybe not queen, I've only had 2, but here's my advice. Nothing to be afraid of, seriously! I know everyone's experiences are different, and I know that major surgery is nothing to really get excited about, but honestly, my c-section recoveries were both awesome. I had Calvin on a Tuesday morning and I was already climbing the marriott center stairs at convocation that Friday--and I do mean the whole set of stairs. I sat in the 2nd row from the bottom. Anyways, I think like most things in pregnancy and labor, a lot of it (not all of it, mind you) is in your perspective. Neither of my c-sections were scheduled, but my next one will be. When I found out I would need c-sections, I went into it thinking that I could handle it and it wouldn't be so bad, and it totally wasn't. I was up walking around an hour and a half after my first c-section. So don't worry about it like it's some big scary thing. It's awesome--you get your baby out more quickly, with less effort and come on, my favorite, without what seems like every nurse in the freaking hospital checking your nether-regions every 10 minutes to see how far you've dialated. Not fun. So yes, there are positives and negatives to both, but it's nothing to be afraid of. you can do it, and it will be great! Take your time, take it easy and do stuff when you're ready for it. Ryan was nearly 10 lbs and good grief I am glad I didn't have to push THAT out. :) I'm excited for you guys! Yay!
ReplyDeleteI haven't had a c-section but I still wanted to say good luck! I am sure everything will go just fine, it will be interesting to see what really happens. I had a friend who measured big her whole pregnancy and they let her try a vaginal birth anyway because it was her second pregnancy, anyway, it turns out that they went to break her water and everything was fine. An hour later the doctor came back to check her and she had another bag of water! So apparently she was pregnant with twins at the beginning of the pregnancy and one of them died and was reabsorbed into it's sack of water. Kind of sad but the twin never showed up on any ultrasounds so they weren't expecting it or anything and it explained why she was always measuring so big!
ReplyDeleteNothing to fear. Now that I had Gunnar that way, I would want it no other way. My plan is to request one everytime. So easy. You get your baby so quickly and they do come out looking so beautiful. C-section babies are so pretty. After reading the comments, each persons experience is definately unique. What one person describes could easily be the complete opposite of what you might experience. I did not get up the entire first day. It took me at least a couple or few hours for me to get feeling back in my legs. There was no way I was going to get up. I also still had a catheter in. Not hauling that thing around. I also wanted to rest and stay down as long as possible. No reason to get up and start life if I didn't have to at the moment. My scar was also numb for a few days after but has all feeling today. It is actually pretty amazing, you can hardly see it. They did such a great job. I think some women have horror stories of their incision because they overexert themselves from the beginning and never let it heal. I am not sure how West Valley does it, but I went into a recovery room for about an hour or so after my c-section. There Jeff, Gunnar and I just hung out. We were then taken to our room after that. They weighed and measured Gunnar right in the OR. Each hospital is different. I do completely agree with the suggestions about a lactation consultant. Take advantage of their knowledge. There will be pain after the c-section so make sure that when you get home, more importantly, that you keep ahead of the pain. Do not wait for it to arrive or else you will be very sorry. You will do great. Don't over think it and go in really excited. Can't wait to hear how Derek handles it. Jeff was in awe and loved watching the entire thing. He was so fascinated. Don't forget the camera. I picture literally right after the birth turned into a black and white is so awesome. I am so glad that Jeff took a picture like that. It is one of my all time favorites. I should email you a copy so you know what I am talking about. Can't wait to get the news that you had her. I would love to come visit you in the hospital. Send a quick text or something.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had a C-section, but I just wanted to wish you well!
ReplyDeleteI do think it's interesting how the Spirit works and that you were totally prepared for this.
Thank you so much everyone! I really feel a lot better about having a c-section. As the big day gets closer, I'm getting more excited!!
ReplyDeleteWe wish you the best! We love big babies- and we call them "Cheney melon- heads!"
ReplyDeleteWe will keep you in our prayers!
Love Kim
I didn't have a c-section but, I am super excited to meet your sweet baby. YAY!