I was baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the age of eight by my father on my birthday. It was a Tuesday evening. I remember that specifically. Having my baptism on my birthday made the evening just that much more special to me. Also, I was the only one being baptized.
There were a number of other things that made my baptism special to me. First, I didn't wear a white dress. I wore a white pant jumpsuit. I don't exactly remember why. Seems like it was because there wasn't a dress in my size available? Or maybe I just really didn't want to wear a white frilly thing. That's characteristic of me. I remember showing off to my friends who were wearing dresses that I was wearing pants by unfolding the folding chairs using my feet and legs. Looking back on it, the pant jumpsuit was more like a cropped-pant jumpsuit and nothing to be excited about...
Also, I played the special musical number. I learned to play the Hymns Made Easy version of "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet" on the piano just for the occasion. I temporarily panicked when I got to the piano and couldn't find my song book. It turned out that it was just behind the other hymn books the pianist had used the opening song. As I remember, I played the song well.
After my wonderful baptism and confirmation, we had a birthday/baptism party at our house. A lot of my friends, family, and other members of our ward came. I had received an electric keyboard that morning for my birthday and my friends and I were having fun listening and dancing to it's pre-recorded music and rhythms.
One special gift I received that I really want to continue as a tradition in my family was my first real set of scriptures--a triple combination and a Bible with my name on them--in a scripture case. I already had the missionary edition of the Book of Mormon to take to primary, but something about the reverence in which my parents gave me my new set, and the fact that it was given to me especially for being baptized, made a big impression on me.
Awesome story! But how did things go yesterday? I'm sure they went wonderfully if you are feeling up to blogging!