How great is that that our neighbor--who we aren't all that close with, friendly but not very close--would think of Derek for this part-time job?! I was surprised and very grateful! What a blessing in our lives!
There is only one hiccup with this job. It's early morning... early, EARLY morning. His shift will be from 3am-7am. He and I thought long and hard about whether or not to take the job and in the end, he decided that it's the best option he has at the moment to have a part-time job while still running his own business. Plus, since it's a job with a W-2, it will be easier to get a home loan in the future.
So for the last week while Derek waits for the results from his drug test to come back (We're pretty sure we know what the results are, but most people don't take a person's word for it. Even if they are LDS! :D), Derek has been gradually changing his sleeping schedule. And he's been doing great going to bed by 10pm and getting up at 6am! I'm so proud of him for preparing himself. Hopefully his preparation will help him ease into his new job!
I want to send our next door neighbor a big THANK YOU for recommending Derek for the job. We really needed it! Maybe I'll bake him and his family a cake! :)
Thats great! Bob works an early shift too (4am-12:30pm). Its nice to have him home by lunch time, he takes a nap after lunch and then he gets to play with the kids before dinner.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great opportunity. It is so hard to find another job that works around a job when you are self employed. You either work really early or into the night like Jeff did for a while. Soundslike a great fit.