Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Way Back Wednesday - A Pirate

I bet you'd never guess, but when I was in Kindergarten, I was a pirate!

Not really, but I wore an eyepatch for a few months.  In the begninning of the year, the school had vision tests, and evidently I failed, miserably because I came out of it with glasses and a prescription for an eyepatch to cover my right eye.  My right eye was and is stronger than my left.

And to add insult to injury, the eye doctor (or maybe is was my mom, I don't remember) gave me stickers to make the eye patch cuter.  Ha ha, like that was possible.  They weren't even great stickers.  Just the little round boring ones!


  1. A sticker on the eye patch. That just makes me laugh.

  2. Jodi & Chris ReeveMarch 12, 2009 at 1:44 PM

    Thanks, I enjoyed this post.

  3. Oh. My. Goodness! How funny and sad all at the same time. And that photo is priceless.
