Saturday, November 1, 2008

Marion Jones

On Wednesday, one of the best episodes of Oprah I have ever seen was on.  She was interviewing Marion Jones after her release from prison for lying to federal agents about using an illegal performance enhancing drug.

Oprah has a lot of great shows, and she always tries to help people and influcence society in a beneficial way.  With this episode, I really felt like Oprah was promoting good, upright behavior.

I feel like many times, people who get caught doing something wrong, they never accept responsibility for their actions.  They seem to want to do whatever they want, when they want, and then experience no consequences.

Marion was the exact opposite.  I'm not sure I believed everything she said about the situation surrounding her usage of "the clear," but I really felt she was being genuine when she said that her punishment was fair.  She didn't try to blame anyone for her actions (of lying, she did say that she didn't know she was taking the performance enhancing drug and that  her coach gave it to her and told her it was flax seed oil).

She said it over and over, that she had made a choice and now she had to deal with the consequences.

I also appreciated how she made it clear that being an athlete does not define who she is or was.  She thought it did and that was part of the reason why she lied.  Now that her titles, records, and medals were removed, she saw that she was so much more than that.

I highly recommend the video clip of the interview on, Marion Jones' Letter to Her Sons, and the article.

It was really sad to see how just one little mistake can affect your life and those around you, but I was so impressed with her attitude!

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