Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Finds - A Link Round-up

Whoa!  Links overload!  But seriously, you have to look at all of them.  They're all that great!

More Free Actions for Photoshop Elements, Digital Photography for Moms.  Cool stuff!  This blogger has tons of excellent tips and tutorials for Photoshop.  And she's doing a Photoshop giveaway this month!  Leave her comments until the 21st and you're entered!

Home Ec 101 Weekly Menu and Shopping List #8, Blissfully Domestic.  This is exactly what I need.  Someone else to do all the planning work, and I just take the finished plan, go shopping, then make the meals!  Excellent! I absolutely HATE making grocery lists!  I always forget something important.  And here's a link to more of Blissfully Domestic's menu plans.

Noticeable Japanese Noses?, Tokyo Times.  Any of us Westerners who have been to Asia have all probably experienced the "nose difference."  This is such a strange contraption!  I have no idea how it's supposed to work!

BYU Mint Brownies, Reeve Chronicles.  Jodi, you are right!  BYU mint brownies are the best!  We were never able to go to the Creamery without getting one or two!

Joy to Everyone This Christmas.  A great music video from Wizard and BYU.  Beautiful!

Mr. Peeps, Blissfully Domsetic.  Sounds creepy, but it's actually really cute!

Sorry, it's another crazy Japanese cat video.  Basically, someone has made a "Fat Cat" calendar.  What I want to know is how they got all those cats to sit still and wear their costumes!

Prepared for the Everyday,  A wonderful and amazing post.  This woman is so wise!  I love reading her blog!

How to Make a Blog Banner in Photoshop Elements, Overstuffed.   Thank you Lara for posting this!  I need all the help I can get with PSE!  Readers and friends, this woman has been so kind to me!  Please go check out her blog.  She is an awesome photographer with adorable kids.  She writes so honestly about life that I feel like I know her personally!

Paper Candy Canes, Skip to My Lou.  I like the look of candy canes, but they always end up sticky and disgusting looking to me, even when I don't open them!  Plus, I just want to eat them.  So they don't work for me as decorations.  These paper ones on the other hand might just be perfect!

1 comment:

  1. My husband makes the BYU mint brownies all the time. I believe they are the reason for my current very strict diet. :)

    You're so nice...thanks for the warm fuzzies! I just think everyone should know how to do their own banners...I need to post about the photoshop giveaway, too (If I remember)...thanks for the heads up!
