Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday Morning Musings -

Can I just say two words?  Guitar Hero!  I got the full band set Saturday afternoon and my dad and I spent the evening jamming!  Well, not the entire evening, but it was a significant amount of time for us.  We never seem to be able to sit down and do something for more than 30 minutes at the most. 

And you know the best part?  My dad loved it!  I was a bit worried that he wouldn't really enjoy it because he's never been that into listening to music, especially Guitar Hero music!  But I think it was a hit!  He kept saying, "I think I know why you guys like this game so much!" and "I need to play that again so I can get it right," and "I like that song!  It's got a really good beat!"

I also worked on a special surprise for Derek.  Nothing big of course, but special if I do say so myself.  So Derek, get excited!

And here's another picture of my cat.  This time she's doing her hotdog pose.  She does this quite often.  Doesn't she look like a furry hotdog?  Sorry for the image quality.  Anytime I try to get my camera out, she moves.  This is a web cam pic.

1 comment:

  1. I got addicted to Guitar Hero/Rock Band at my brother's house a few years ago. I don't think we can ever own it, though, or I wouldn't do anything but rock out, LOL! Glad you had fun!
