Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Finds: A Link Round-up

I'm a closed minded, bible thumbper, red stater, The Straight Shooter.  Her viewpoints on this issue is right along side mine.  It's not often that I find that on the net...

Bloggers New "Reaction" Feature, Blogger Buster.  I'm always a sucker for new, useless gadgets for my blog.  At least, they're useless for me... No one ever seems to use these on my blog!

Ok, so this isn't really a link. Well, I made the picture a link, so click on that. And it's probably totally illegal putting this comic strip on my blog. So to make up for it, so go the site and read Rubes for a week. You won't be disappointed!

Other Uses for Condiments, Shamelessly Sassy.  This is a great idea!

Reeve Korean Mission, Ok, so this blog might not be interesting to anyone but the Reeve family and me (I'm not related, I just lived in the same district they're in right now).  But I think it's pretty cool to keep updated on the members in the Gangwon-do area.

Four-eared Cat, Fox News.  The photo looks totally faked, but it's on Fox News.  It should be credible!  And the cat is SO CUTE!!!!

Get Fuzzy, Can I just say, I LOVE THIS COMIC! Read it. Love it.

Sleeveface.  This has to be one of the coolest things I've seen in a while!  There's a whole movement (I'm not sure if that's quite the right term for it) where people take pictures with record sleeves strategically positioned.  It looks way cool!  There's also a video on how to sleeveface.  There's one little slightly questionable part, but it's quick and if you can hack it, by all means, watch the video.  It's interesting!

White Guy Mistaken for Michael Phelps, Japan Probe.  I get comments like, "You really look familiar to me, do I know you?" or "Have I seen you somewhere before?" or "OH MY GOSH!!! YOU LOOK JUST LIKE THAT ACTRESS...umm, JULIA STILES!!!!"  I even got Nicole Kidman once in Korea, but only when I had my make-up on....  Anyways, this video is insane!  Japan Probe is one of my favorites!!!!

Marriage, Relishing Motherhood.  She expresses her viewpoint and beliefs on the definition of marriage like I wish I could.  She also does a GREAT job of outlining the consequences of changing the definition of marriage.  It's definitely not just a matter of changing the meaning of a word.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your new daily post ideas.
