Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for great friends.  I have been lucky enough throughout my life to have had the opportunity to be surrounded by good friends.  The kind that lift you up and influence you for good.  I am so grateful to all of them.  I know my friends, past and present, have been a major part of the development of who I am now and who I am becoming. 

I am so blessed to have married my bestest friend ever, Derek.  He is the cheese to my macaroni!  Anybody get the reference there?  10 points for you if you do!  I don't like to hang out with just the girls very often.  I always feel really strange becuase my best friend isn't there.  When we can, we are ALWAYS together.  I haven't witnessed first hand very many unhappy marriages in my life.  I've only seen them on TV and movies or read about them in books.  But the exposure I have had has shown me how blessed I really am! 

Our new friends here in Caldwell, ID have taught us a lot as well... a lot about life, families, spirituality, and friendship.  I have a lot to be grateful for.  I was really nervous about coming back to the states.  In Korea we had pretty valid excuses for not having very many friends (cultural and linguistic differences).  I was afraid that our no friend trend would continue in Idaho, but without the valid excuses.  But my fears were unwarranted.  We weren't here but a week or two and quickly made great friends. 

Good friends are wonderful!!


  1. Good friends are wonderful! And you two are GOOD Friends! I think everyone who meets you likes you two! I know what you mean about the girl hang out parties - They are alright if all our husbands are busy or it's RS, but if our husbands are available - I would much rather do a couples night any day! I don't like being away from Brent for long at all.

    At any rate - We are glad your family is here and that you have blessed our life too. Have a great day!

  2. thanks for stopping by my blog and posting a comment in support of marriage and prop 8 in california.

    thank goodness for good friends. we are blessed with so many almost instant friends because wherever we move, there is a ward family waiting to receive us.

    sounds like you and your husband have a great marriage.

  3. I enjoy reading your blog, especially because you referenced the movie Juno. Ten points!
