Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday - Things to do while on hold

Recently, I called a government agency and was put on hold for "Approximately 8 minutes."  There were 20 people in front of me.  Knowing how government agencies and being on hold works, I decided to do a bit of multitasking.  So todays Top Ten is...

Top Ten Things To Do While on Hold

  1. Make lunch:  Today is Costco's yummy microwave lasagna.  Probably not the most healthy thing to eat, but hey, it's good!

  2. Check e-mail:  This actually distracted me more thatn it was probably worth it while I was trying to navigate the phone menu, but I needed to do something productive!  I learned that there's a video virus going around Facebook, so if one of your friends sends you a link to a video about your hindquarters, don't click on it!

  3. Blog:  Like right now, I'm on hold and blogging at the same time!

  4. Clip your fingernails:  Mine are getting way too long for typing effectively and playing the piano.

  5. Read the funnies: They're funny and a great distraction from the annoyance of being on hold.
  6. Eat a snack: Probably not the best thing to do just before lunch, but I'm pregnant and bored.  Bad combination!

  7. Visit the restroom:  This one is dangerous because an actual person might answer your call in the middle of this "visit."  But sometimes it's an emergency!

  8. Charge your cell:  This only works if you're set to sit while you're on hold, like me. 

  9. Rotate the laundry:  I have a HUGE pile.  How about you?

  10. Prepare a salad for lunch:  I love salad with lasagna!


  1. Great list! I've done a lot of the same, while on hold. I also have done dishes, while waiting.

  2. I always put it on speakerphone and do whatever needs to be done. I stayed on hold for 45 minutes trying to reset my PIN last month. Then, when they finally answered my phone started cutting out!

  3. I love that you mentioned food three times! My kinda girl!! :)

  4. Multitasking! Awesome!

  5. I've done #7 too many times to count - and I got caught almost every time!

  6. I didn't even realize that I put food in my list 3 times! But I can promise you I thought about it WAY more than that!
