Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thankful Thursday - Ultrasounds

Yesterday was my 20 week ultrasound appointment!  It's the only ultrasound my doctor orders (unless there's an problem), so I was really excited about it!  Plus, I was able to find out if we were having a boy or a girl!

I was told to drink a lot of water one hour prior to my appointment.  32oz to be exact.  Right away I knew I'd have a problem.  My bladder doesn't hold that amount of water for any amount of time!  But I dutifully drank my 32oz at around 9:30.  We got there to check in at 10:15 and I knew I couldn't hold it any longer.  I figured that if my bladder filled that full in 45 minutes, it would fill again if I chugged a bunch more water right then.  I guessed I'd still have about a half hour to wait.

And I was right.  Right after I came out of the bathroom, they called my name at the registration desk (My appointment was at the hospital, and I had to check in at the emergency room desk).  I grabbed three styraphome coffee cups and asked the lady if she would fill them for me--all they had in the waiting room was hot water for coffee.  She gave me a bit of a weird look, but then realized that I was coming in for an ultrasound and agreed to get me some water.  She came back with two bigger cups full of ice water.  While I drank, Derek answered all the registration questions.

She then sent us over to another waiting room.  We waited there for another 10-15 minutes and then finally they called my name.  Just in time too because I was thinking I'd have to start the process all over again!

Thankgoodness the full bladder part was only about 5 minutes.  The very kind ultrasound technician let me take a short break (again, thank goodness there was a bathroom within the ultrasound room) and then we continued with the ultrasound. 

It was so neat!  Part of the specialness of the experience was the fact that my dad was able to come with us.  Since my brother and I were both adopted, he and my mom never had the whole experience.  All three of us were shocked with the amount of detail you could see!  We could see all of the organs, once the technician pointed them out of course! :)

The pictures all have labels.  To enlarge, click on the picture.

Unfortunately, they didn't give us a printout with the tell-tale signs of gender.  :( Must be some modesty thing.

And we have...   


Or at least that's the professional opinions of the technician, handyman, engineer, and caregiver in the room! :)


  1. Jodi & Chris ReeveApril 30, 2009 at 3:51 AM

    Congrats! I have to admit I am jealous of a baby girl! Adorable! It goes quickly doesn't it and then you hit about 35 weeks and just want to be done! Good luck, and the reason they have a bathroom in the room is because you are not alone in needing to use it, believe me! Pregnant women especially have to go all of the time!

  2. wow!! i just learned so many new things from this post! I had no idea that you were adopted or pregnant! Congrats!! i am so excited for you, i want to have a girl...someday. not sure i am quite ready yet, chasing two boys is about all i can handle right now. have you picked out a name yet?

  3. Derek told me last night and I am so excited for you guys. I think he is right that he will need to get a shot gun soon with all the little boys around!

  4. Yeah!! I am so excited for you. I wouldn't know what a little girl is like but I am sure that you will have lots of fun. Ultrasounds are super cool. Mine was also rercorded on a VHS of Gunnar. I grabbed an empty tape one day to record dancing with the stars to only find out that it was the ultrasound. I was super sad for quite a while. How stupid was I. Next time I will be smarter about it. So neat that your dad will go and your mom will be thrilled.

  5. Congratulations! Girls are the best! And ultrasounds are so cool, I agree. I got my first two on video, but since I had Sophie in a different state, they didn't offer that. Oh well. It's just so neat to actually see the baby that you intellectually know you're carrying, but sometimes find hard to believe.

  6. Congratulations! It's nice to have another girl in the family. It's amazing how much the unborn baby takes form in just 20 weeks. Best wishes for continued health for both of you. We love you guys. Mom and Dad C.

  7. CONGRATS! Girls are so much fun! She is going to run the house. It's a blast to have a little princess. :-) I'm so happy for you!

  8. YAY, RACHEL! I am so happy for you guys. You will make an awesome, no nonsense mom. What a lucky little girl!

  9. Congrats!! Girls are the best. After all, look at us....we're great!!!!

    Alan and I had our first ultrasound experience with a grandchild and we loved it! We're very happy for you all.

  10. That is so awesome! I am so glad your dad could be there! I know I loved the whole ultra sound process ;) I am so excited for you guys!!

    love you all !!


  11. Congrats!!! I had no idea that you were pregnant and living in West Valley. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!!!

  12. Aunt Peggy & Uncle JohnMay 2, 2009 at 7:01 PM

    Congratulations, Rachel and Derek! We are so happy for you!

  13. Oh congratulations! That's so exciting! And now you'll have to share what names you're thinking about.

  14. Congratulations! That is so exciting! Girls are so much fun, though I am sure a boy would be fun too, I just only have a girl so far. Anywho, congrats!
