Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday Somethings

So I must really be pregnant.  I've started to cry over nothing.  Here's the list so far...

  • Got rain on my globes while moving:  In my defence, I collect globes--world globes, not snow globes--and most my globes are different ages.  I wouldn't be able to just go out and easily find replacements.  The weird irrational part of this story is I was sobbing uncontrollably for 10 minutes holding a towel and a hair dryer.  In reality, my globes are fine.  No damage done.

  • My dad folded my laundry:  I didn't cry because he did it wrong, I cried because I felt so bad that I forgot that I had left laundry in the washer AND dryer and that my dad had done the work for me, making me the biggest loser on the planet.  Again, unreasonable but at least I held it together until he left the room. :)
  • The cell-phone bill:  We went a teensy bit over our minutes last month.  Well, probably more than a teensy bit.  Our bill was about twice our average, but nothing to cry about!  But that combined with the laundry thing did it for me last night and I was a gonner!


  1. LOL. I truly identify and also am a great pregnant cryer! :) :) It's totally the hormones. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I think I must have missed that post. You are going to be a wonderful Mamma.

    Also if you ever want to feel better about leaving laundry in the washer and dryer come to my house where there is usually always at least a pile of two or three loads sitting there waiting for me. lol! :)

  2. So are you?? You drop a hint and leave us hanging :)

  3. Yes, you ARE pregnant...hormones are such a joy. However, in my life I've learned that they don't just wreak havoc during prenancy!!!! They continue to be our constant companions and friends! Fun, oh, Fun!!!

  4. Hey, I almost cried this morning over all the chaos before school, and I'm definitely NOT pregnant! Besides, crying can be cleansing, right?
    Congrats on having a girl!

  5. Umm, somehow I was signed in as Ryan for that last comment. Sorry about that. It's really me, Becca.

  6. I was wondering who Ryan was! The only Ryan I know is 4!

  7. Other than your Ryan of course, but I didn't think he'd be commenting. But then again, neither would the 4 year old!

  8. I did cry very easily when I was pregnant, but I still cry almost as easily now that I haven't been for years. I totally understand about your collection! We do have an emotional attachment with the special things we collect.
