Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursday - My Dentist

A few days ago, one side of my permanent retainer came loose.  I'm not sure how it popped off.  It's held for 10 years, and I haven't been eating anything especially hard.  It was pretty annoying.  It was a bit uncomfortable to eat any food that I had to bite into, so I called my dentist--who also happens to be my Bishop, Dr. Bishop Mooso :)--to see if there was anything he could do or if I needed to make an appointment with an orthodontist.  He assured me he could fix it and that I should call his office the next day to make an appointment.

The next day I called and was able to get an appointment for the day after that.  When I asked about the cost of the procedure--we don't have dental insurance--the receptionist wasn't sure because it wasn't a "regular" thing for them to do but it shouldn't be too much.  Dr. Mooso would have to set the price.  She also mentioned that they could give me a discount for paying in full at the time of service.  Sounded decent enough to me, and my stupid retainer was enough of a problem that I had to get it fixed.

I got to the dentist's office right on time, filled out all the paperwork, and they sat me down.  The dentist was running a bit behind, but that was okay because they had cable T.V. in the ceiling!  The actual procedure only took about 15 minutes.  It was completely painless.  The only problem I had was water ricocheting off my teeth and into my face.  That wasn't so cool, but I survived.

And the best part?  My dentist is awesome!  He only charged me the base rate for the office visit, $50! Thank you Dr. Mooso!

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