Saturday, October 25, 2008

Carving Pumpkins!

Derek and I were invited to a pumpkin carving bash at the Mooso's house this weekend.  They had tables set up in their backyard for us to carve however we wanted to.   It was so cold, but so much fun!!!

We brought five pumpkins-I know a little ambitious-but only ended up carving three.  My fingers were frozen in the holding-the-knife position by the time I finished one, my spider pumpkin.  Derek was awesome and did two, a ghost one and a cyclops one.

Unfortunately we didn't have our camera with us to take great pictures of us carving pumpkins or us with our friends.  Sad! :(  So this is the only picture we have, taken the day afterwards, in the light...

They still look cool though!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pumkins. Sounds like you had a great night!
