Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So disappointed!

** I tried to make this as family friendly as possible.  Sorry if I failed.  I felt that my feelings on this was important to get out there.  Maybe if enough of us voice our opinions and beliefs, we can make a change.**

I am so disappointed with the FOX show, House!  Usually I love every episode.  This week I was sorely disappointed.  I had been looking forward to it this whole week.  I missed it on TV last night, so I wanted to watch it online at my parent's house this morning.

The first scene, the one that introduces the patient, was of Thirteen (one of Dr. House's assistant doctors) kissing another woman in her apartment!  And they made it clear that wasn't all they were doing.  I tried to skip the scene as I could because I was hoping that the rest of the show would concentrate more on the sickness. 

But again, I was disappointed.  Dr. House's first reaction to the new case was delight because of his assistant's relationship with the sick woman.  I knew right right then that there would be so many references that I wouldn't be able to comfortably watch the show.

I should have seen this coming!  It has been stated in the show that this is her choice.  But that character's personal choice hasn't bothered me until today because it wasn't highlighted.  Plus, House has always been "controversial," but never this much in your face, accept this lifestyle and watch it.

I'm all for free agency.  The freedom to choose is a wonderful thing.  I have no problem with people who make this choice.  What I do have a problem with is when someone else tries to force its "okay-ness" on me.  What people do in their personal time is personal.  I don't want to see it on television!

And for that matter, since when does anyone's "private time", regardless of their preferences, fictional or not, have a place in our homes on our televisions?!


  1. I just watched that episode, and I have to say that I'm so disappointed in the writers! They showed way more than they would have if it had been a heterosexual couple, just in an attempt to shock the audience with blatant fan service. What an epic failure. :(
