Monday, October 20, 2008

October Happenings

It's been a while since I've posted pictures. At least pictures of me and things I've been doing lately. So here they are!

My Birthday

Me and my birthday cake.  
It's triffle, not really a true cake, but no less delicious!
Derek hanging up one of my presents.  He's so cute!
Some of the cool things that Derek got for me.  
Notice the "poo" behind the kitten.
50's Dance
We went to a 50's themed dance this last weekend.  
I got pictures of him, but none of me.  
And I looked cute, too!
Halloween House
We made Halloween houses! It was so much fun! 
It was sort of like making gingerbread houses, but "scarier." 
Some of our roof fell off. :(
Side view. 
I planned that porch in my head all week!
I was so happy with my pumpkin patch!


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Rachel dear! Looks like you guys had lots of fun! I laughed alot about the "poo" behind the cat. I want to bite your halloween house, It looks delicious :)

  2. Looks like you have been having some great times lately. Thanks for the get together the other day!
